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*Corresponding author.

19) Kato Y, Hidese R, Matsuda M, Ohbayashi R, Ashida H, Kondo A, Hasunuma T. Glycogen deficiency enhances carbon partitioning into glutamate for an alternative extracellular metabolic sink in cyanobacteria. Commun. Biol. 7, 233. 2024.

18) Ohdate K, Sakata M, Maeda K, Sakamaki Y, Nimura-Matsune K, Ohbayashi R, Hess WR., Watanabe S*. Discovery of Novel Replication Proteins for Large Plasmids in Cyanobacteria and Their Potential Applications in Genetic Engineering. Front Microbiol. 15:1311290. 2024


17) Hidese R#, Ohbayashi R#, Kato Y, Matsuda M, Tanaka K, Imamura S, Ashida H, Kondo A, and Hasunuma T*. (# Equal contribution) ppGpp accumulation reduces the expression of the global nitrogen homeostasis-modulating NtcA regulon by affecting 2-oxoglutarate levels. Commun. Biol. 6, 1285. 2023. [PDF]


16) HatakeyamaTS*, Ohbayashi R*. Evolutionary innovation by polyploidy. bioRxiv. 2022.

15) Fujiwara T*, Hirooka S, Ohbayashi R, Onuma R, and Miyagishima SY*. Relationship between cell cycle and diel transcriptomic changes in metabolism in a unicellular red alga. Plant Physiol. 184(4) pp1484-1501. 2020.

14) Ohbayashi R*, Hirooka S, Onuma R, Kanesaki Y, Hirose Y, Kobayashi Y, Fujiwara T, Furusawa C, and Miyagishima SY*. Evolutionary changes in DnaA-independent chromosomal replication in cyanobacteria. Front Microbiol. 11:786. 2020. 

13) Watanabe S*, Saito S, Suezaki Y, Seguchi T, and Ohbayashi R. Specific binding of DnaA box motif in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 66(2) 80-84, 2019. 

12) Ohbayashi R*, Nakamachi A, Hatakeyama TS, Kanesaki Y, Watanabe S, Chibazakura T, Yoshikawa H, Miyagishima SY*. Coordination of polyploid chromosome replication with cell size and growth in a cyanobacterium. mBio, 10(2), e00510-19, 2019. 紹介記事


11) Fujiwara T*, Hirooka S, Mukai M, Ohbayashi R, Kanesaki Y, Watanabe S, Miyagishima SY. Integration of a Galdieria plasma membrane sugar transporter enables heterotrophic growth of the obligate photoautotrophic red alga Cynanidioschyzon merolae. Plant Direct. 3(4), e00134, 2019.

10) Ohbayashi R, Yoshikawa H, and Watanabe S*. Direct visualization of the multicopy chromosomes in cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. Bio-Protcol. 8(15), e2958, 2018.

9) Watanabe S*, Noda A, Ohbayashi R, Uchioke K, Kurihara A, Nakatake S, Morioka S, Kanesaki Y, Chibazakura T, and Yoshikawa H. ParA-like protein influences the distribution of multi-copy chromosomes in cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. Microbiology. 164, 45-56, 2018.

8) Hirooka S*, Hirose Y, Kanesaki Y, Higuchi S, Fujiwara T, Onuma R, Era A, Ohbayashi R, Uzuka A, Nozaki H, Yoshikawa H, and Miyagishima SY*. Acidophilic green algal genome provides insights into adaptation to an acidic environment. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 114(39), E8304-8313, 2017.

7) Fujiwara T, Ohnuma M, Kuroiwa T, Ohbayashi R, Hirooka S, Miyagishima SY*. Development of a Double Nuclear Gene-Targeting Method by Two-step Transformation Based on a Newly Established Chloramphenicol-Selection System in the Red Algae Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Front. Plant. Sci. 14;8:343, 2017.

6) Ohbayashi R, Yamamoto J, Watanabe S, Kanesaki Y, Chibazakura T, Miyagishima SY, and Yoshikawa H*. Variety of DNA replication activity among cyanobacteria correlates with distinct respiration activity in the dark. Plant and Cell Physiology,1;58(2), pp279-286, 2017.

5) Ohbayashi R, Akai H, Yoshikawa H, Hess WR, and Watanabe S*. A tighyly inducible riboswitch system in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 14;62(3), pp154-9, 2016.

4) Ohbayashi R, Watanabe S, Ehira S, Kanesaki Y, Chibazakura T, and Yoshikawa H*. Diversification of DnaA dependency in cyanobacterial evolution. ISME J, 10(5), pp1113-21, 2016.

3) Watanabe S, Ohbayashi R, Kanesaki Y, Saito N, Chibazakura T, Soga T, and Yoshikawa H*. Intensive DNA replication and Metabolism during the lag phase in cyanobacteria. PLOS ONE, 2;10(9), e0136800, 2015.

2) Ohbayashi R, Watanabe S, Kanesaki Y, Narikawa R, Chibazakura T, Ikeuchi M and Yoshikawa H*. DNA replication depends on photosynthetic electron transport in cyanobacteria. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 344(2), pp138-144, 2013.

1) Watanabe S, Ohbayashi R, Shiwa Y, Noda A, Kanesaki Y, Chibazakura T and Yoshikawa H*. Light-dependent and asynchronous replication of cyanobacterial multi-copy chromosomes. Molecular Microbiology, 83(4), pp856-65, 2012.



3) 大林龍胆「細胞増殖に伴うラン藻の複数コピーゲノムの維持機構」、生物工学会誌、99(8):p425-428、2021年8月

2) 大林龍胆「シアノバクテリアにおける複数コピーゲノムのDNA複製制御機構の解析」、ゲノム微生物学会ニュースレター、pp14-15、2017年6月

1) 大林龍胆「シアノバクテリアにおけるDNA複製制御機構とその多様性に関する研究」、ゲノム微生物学会ニュースレター、pp13-15、2016年5月

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